Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

We have assisted many customers across the country with their pest issues. Whether you have a maggot infestation or problem birds, Midlands Pest Control in Swadlincote are here for you. 

Customer Testimonials

Thank you Paul For attending my property on Wednesday, as I had Tree Bees in the guttering. You were very knowledgeable and the service was second to none. The price quoted was fantastic and would recommend you to anyone.
Reviewed on 27/05/2017

Same day service, very prompt & courteous. Job completed quickly & efficiently.
Reviewed on 15/03/2016

Came out the next day. Very helpful & obliging. Provided appropriate advice.
Reviewed on 23/10/2015

We always use Midland Pest Control as they always respond to our call immediately and do a very good job and getting rid of any vermin, never let us down. Also do not overcharge for a very good service.
Reviewed on 08/06/2015

Very friendly man, they also fixed a leaking gutter.
Reviewed on 17/04/2015

Very impressed with Mr Evans who was very informative and helpful.
Reviewed on 14/08/2014

Excellent service, very polite and helpful. Would have no hesitation in recommending them.
Reviewed on 13/08/2014

Paul came out to rid my house of fleas. I'd tried for 6 weeks myself buying a variety of things, none worked. Since Paul came out I haven't seen on flea. The service and price were excellent.
Reviewed on 12/08/2014
Maggot infestation? Call Midlands Pest Control in Swadlincote on
01283 212 429 - 07831 867 208 
to a get free quote.

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